Simplifying Water Clarification with FlocBloc
March 7, 2024
FlocBloc provides a simple and convenient method for applying flocculant polymers to water requiring clarification without the need for complicated or expensive dosing systems.

FlocBloc consists of fine granules of powder grade flocculant dispersed in a non-toxic and readily water-soluble binding polymer. As water flows over the Bloc, flocculant is released which combines with the sediment, causing the sediment particles to agglomerate so they settle rapidly, leaving behind clear treated water.
Typical Applications
DamClear FlocBlocs are ideal for dosing flocculant for water clarification in many applications and are suitable for environmentally sensitive applications. Some of the most common uses are:
Construction sites – Clarification of stormwater on building sites, and commercial & residential developments.
Road construction – Clarification of stormwater run-off in sediment retention basins for road, rail & tunnel construction.
Dam water – Clarification of clay contaminated river & dam water for livestock, irrigation & horticulture, and for aesthetic improvement.
Industrial wastewater – Clarification of trade & industrial wastewater to remove solids.
Mines & Quarries – Clarification of stormwater run-off from mining operations and stockpiles found at stone, rock, sand & gravel, and mineral quarries. Clarification of water from drilling operations.
To learn more please click here. Clicking the link will take you to the Environmental Warehouse website where you can learn more information or order online.
Environmental Warehouse is a trading name of Hydroflux Utilities Pty Ltd.
About the Hydroflux Group
The Hydroflux Group aims to deliver the highest level of engineering and scientific know-how to the emerging issues of sustainability, climate adaptation and environmental protection with a specific focus on water and wastewater.
As part of its vision and mission, Hydroflux has always taken its climate responsibility seriously. In 2022, Hydroflux became Australia’s first water treatment and technology company to achieve Climate Active carbon neutral certification for its organisation and products. It knows that partnering with customers and clients is the most significant impact it can have in its journey. The Group employs over 100 staff and operates throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, with office locations in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Auckland, Suva and Portsmouth.
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